cake styling

Several years ago, a girl named Joy started a blog about baking. I started reading her blog. Then a while later, she had a blogiversy party in downtown Los Angeles, and I attended. I got to meet Joy and bring her some flowers. Joy and I follow each other on Twitter, and that's fun. But I was so suprised and delighted when I received an email from her a couple weeks ago, asking if she could hire me to design & style florals on a cake for her. Not just any old cake, but a cake that might possibly grace the cover of her first cookbook, due out early next year!

So last week, Joy came over to my house with a bright pink cake and a whole bunch of camera gear. I worked my floral magic, and then Joy took pictures. It was loads of fun, and Joy even blogged some fun photos afterwards!

Personally, I took a grand total of 3 iPhone images. Bad me. I was having too much fun watching Joy shoot with her fancy-schmancy camera. So these are the flowers in the studio, all ready to work with. And the floralized cake on my dining room table, where Joy shot. The third photo is mostly of Joy's rear end, so I thought I'd hold onto it in case I ever need to blackmail her. Unlikely, though, since she's one of the nicest gals around. Congratulations on the cookbook, Joy! I can hardly wait to get it into my grubby (literally) little hands! xoxo

Images | Florals | Styling by Lauryl Lane.