welcome 2013!

LaurylLane-HappyNewYear Somehow we survived the "end of the world" (sans zombie apocalypse), and found ourselves at the end of the year. I'm not sure how it all happened so quickly, but here we are in 2013!

2012 was a rough year for me in many ways. I experienced a great deal of loss on a very personal level, and had to make some hard choices both in my personal life and regarding my business. Change is hard, but so, so good. I am learning and growing in ways I never imagined I would. I look forward to the year ahead with more excitement than I've ever felt before. 2013 is brimming with possibilities and today truly feels like the first day of the rest of my life. I am beyond grateful for where I am, and so thrilled by the beauty that surrounds me. May you, too, be surrounded by beauty and energized for the days that stretch before us! Happy New Year!

Image of the Silver Lake Reservoir by Lauryl Lane.

why i blog

Ah, blogging. I've been having an existential crisis lately over blogging and what it means to me and why I do it and how it affects me and blah blah blah... I won't bore you with the details. (I wrote a 700-word post explaining my thought process over the past few weeks, but when I re-read it, I thought, "this is just the sort of crap that I skip reading on blogs," so ta-da, none of that!).

Every few years I have to take a break from blogging, re-evaluate, try to get over feeling weird about having so much of my "self" available on the interwebs... You know. Self-inflicted crisis. This time the whole thing was instigated by Pinterest, and I had a few freak-out moments resulting in asking Pinterest to remove all the images that had been pinned from my blog/site (literally there were HUNDREDS of them / Yes, Pinterest quickly removed them). Then I had the no-pin meta-tag added to my site. I hope my fears about Pinterest are unfounded-- my friends tell me that I need to chill, and they're probably right (they usually are), but for now, I'm taking a Pinterest sabbatical.

I'm also shifting the focus of this blog. When I started blogging over seven years ago, my blog was my online diary. As more people read it, I became less personal. Then I started my business and the blog shifted into a way to showcase my work. Lately I've felt burdened to write regularly and post as much work as possible, but the truth of the matter is, I just don't have the time for that.

I love blogging. I'm compelled to blog. But I don't like sticking to a schedule, I don't like feeling like I have to post something every day, I don't like the pressure that's associated with being a "blogger." So I'm shifting the focus away from business, and back to daily life. I'll blog less about my work and more about what I'm eating, what I'm reading, what I'm inspired by. As a stylist, I recognize that "work" and "daily life" are essentially synonymous for me, and that's okay. The point is, I need to take the pressure off of myself. The blog will remain public, but it's no longer linked from my business website. I imagine most of you reading this are the family and close friends who are subscribed via RSS feed and have been reading this all along...

Thanks for bearing with me, thanks for commenting and communicating and making me feel more like part of a community.

Good on 'ya. And 400+ words is better than 700+, right? Back to pretty pictures and fewer words, stat!

Image | Styling by Lauryl Lane.

radio silence

Thanks to all who have sent messages and tried to alert me that my website was down. It was actually out since Tuesday night due to some major hard-drive failures at the server host. As a result, my email wasn't working properly either, so I've been biting my fingernails the past few days, feeling somewhat at a loss.... you've no idea how much I rely on this site and my email for the day-to-day operations of running this business. I told my grandmother about this over the phone yesterday, and about the blizzard we're currently experiencing here in Denver, and she encouraged me to use the time wisely and consider it a "gift." I did manage to clean my office after having turned it into a war zone while I was prepping and paying my business taxes... and now that we're back "online," I'm excited to jump back into corresponding with my clients, relaying new design ideas, and of course, blogging!

Have a wonderful weekend! Real wedding coming at you on Monday morning!

Image | Styling by Lauryl Lane.


I refrained from posting yesterday in support of the SOPA blackout. In fact, other than posting one image on instagram in the morning (before I realized what day it was!), I stayed off the internet all day long. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Google+, no blogging, even minimal emailing. I figured that refraining from using the internet at all would make a more important statement than just delaying my blog post by a day.

I feel very strongly about our freedom in this country. I hope you do, too. Limiting our internet access in any way is an infringement on our personal liberty, and I'm pretty horrified that this issue has even come up.

But it was nice to have a day of being mostly unplugged. It turned out to be the most productive day I've had all week! And I even had time for a little Martha.

Image | Styling by Lauryl Lane.

the big reveal!!!

I write to you today from the awe-inspiring state of....

It's my new home!

I know the rumor mills have been circulating, and I'm happy to put all the speculation to rest. It's official! I have moved to Denver, Colorado, and am in the process of relocating my company as well. Earlier this morning we put out an official press release, and I love how the title was worded, "Botanical Stylist Lauryl Lane Says Goodbye To Hollywood Hills And Hello To Rocky Mountains."

Those who have been following my work/blog will know that I've had an ongoing love affair with the city of Los Angeles, and saying goodbye to L.A. is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done. Los Angeles has been so good to me. I know a lot of people who, like me, grew up in the midwest and then moved to the "big city," only to be chewed up and spit out. Why L.A. never did that to me, I don't know. It must have known I was a kindred spirit from day one. I have had nothing but wonderful experiences in Los Angeles, and the friends I've made there will remain my friends for life. I also have an exceptional base of clients in Southern California, and I will continue to serve them no matter where I end up.

Nothing changes for my clients currently booked in SoCal. I will be there, designing your events, just as planned. I have a place to stay anytime I need to go back to L.A., and I also have the use of a friend's floral design studio in West Hollywood. I will continue to take bookings in the area too, although those will be limited.

My husband moved here in July, and I've gone back and forth many times already. The two hour flight between DEN & LAX is unbelievably pain-free. But I've missed my husband, a lot, and I've ultimately decided that I want to cut back on the amount of travel weddings/events that I'm doing anyway, and focus on designing "at home."

Although Denver was never a city "on our radar," we like it. I've always considered myself a "mountain girl," despite never having lived near mountains of any kind...  so moving to Colorado felt like "going home." I miss my friends in L.A. like crazy, but in this digital age, good friends are only a skype away, so I think I'll be just fine. ;-)

Can I just say how EXCITED I am to start designing here in Colorado? This place is so gorgeous I can hardly stand it! I'm still setting up my office and getting my studio unpacked, but I'll have lots more details to share in the coming days and weeks and months...

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this move possible, and to those of you who have been my support system along the way. I can't wait to introduce you to this city as I find my own way in it!!!

just a little reminder

If you've been following me on Twitter or Facebook, then you likely know that I have some big news to share. I've been counting down for over a week, and the countdown finally ends tomorrow! I'm not very good at keeping secrets and I've been itching to make this reveal, so make sure you check back here tomorrow after 10am PST for my announcement!

Image | Florals | Styling by Lauryl Lane.

intro to pretty

It's been an intense summer wedding season for me and I apologize that I haven't had the time to blog much lately. But I am finally getting some posts scheduled out, so I'll be sharing two beautiful weddings next week and more in the weeks to come! Stay tuned!

Image by Lauryl Lane.

peony heaven

Peony season is here, and I'm in heaven. They are such gorgeous blooms, aren't they? I've got tons of them in my house right now... white, pink, and hot pink. They are seriously the prettiest things ever. If you live near a Trader Joe's, you're in luck-- the peony bunches at TJ's are high quality, long-lasting, and about a third of the cost of the peonies I get from my floral wholesalers. Go buy some now!!!

Image | Florals | Styling by Lauryl Lane.

coming to your rss feed...

Apologies for my lack of posting lately- I've been swamped with work, and while I've got lots and lots of content to share, I just haven't had the time to get it up here. Over the next few days I'll be doing a lot of "blog housekeeping," so if you're reading this via Google Reader or another RSS feed reader, beware! Who knows what might come through... I'm moving posts from the old blog over here, hitting "publish" on a few blog posts that I wrote but forgot to publish, and fixing missing pictures and broken links. Hopefully we'll be back to working order and regularly scheduled posting on Monday.

In the meantime, excuse the "dust," and have a jolly weekend!