I am an absolute fiend for avocados. You probably know that by now. I literally can't get enough of them. Apparently they were my favorite food when I first started eating solid foods as a baby, and I might like them even better now. It doesn't hurt that I live in California, where avocados are inexpensive and plentiful, year round. The one year I lived in Denver I literally mourned for avocados every day. Now that I'm back home in sunny L.A., I eat a half an avocado almost every day. Yes, they are full of fat. But it's good fat. Really good fat. Avocados are delicious in salads, and on omelets and so many other ways, but the easiest thing is to mash them up and spread them on toast. Even better if you use a crusty bread and add a slice of soft camembert cheese first. Then a dash of pink Himalayan salt, and voila! - instant breakfast. It's so delicious I can hardly stand it.
Images | Styling by Lauryl Lane.